
2022/25 Expressive Arts Therapist, (Candidate) Create Institute, Toronto

2022     Certified Nature & Forest Therapy Guide, Association of Nature and Forest Therapy, California

2021     Foundations of Applied Mindfulness Meditation Certificate, University of Toronto

2021     French Proficiency Certificate, Chang School, Ryerson University

2018    MFA, Masters with Merit, Masters in Communication and Culture, Yeats Graduate School, Ryerson University

2016    BFA, Bachelors of Fine Art with Honours, Photography, School of Image Arts, Ryerson University

2015    Art Photo Program, Erasmus Program, University of South Wales, UK

2020    Toronto Artscape Launchpad Bursary, Artscape Daniels Launchpad

2014     Roloff Beny Foundation, Ryerson University 5,000

2013     Ike Morgulis First Year Proficiency Award, Ryerson University 250

Installations / Performance Work
   “In Honour of All Beings”, Good Mourning Festival, Evergreen Brick Works, Toronto

Selected Group Exhibitions

2023    Colour Splash!, 149th Annual Juried Exhibition , John B. Aird Gallery, Toronto, Canada

2021    VAM's 43rd Annual Juried Show of Fine Arts , Visual Arts Mississauga (VAM) at Riverwood, Canada

2020    Carmichael Canadian Landscape Exhibition: Tradition Transformed, OMAH, Orillia, Canada

2020    Exposed 2020, The Robert McLaughlin Gallery (RMG), Oshawa, Canada

2018     Re-Locating the Canadian North, MLC Research Centre, Toronto, Canada

2016     Maximum Exposure, graduation show, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada

2016     SNAP! 2016 Silent Auction, Andrew Richard Designs, Toronto, Canada

2015     Full Frame, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada

2015     TROGLODYTE EXHIBITION, Riverfront, South Wales, United Kingdom

2015     Third Year Show, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada

2015     First Edition, Ryerson Art Space, Toronto, Canada

2015     SNAP! 2015 Silent Auction, Andrew Richard Designs, Toronto, Canada

2014     Salon Show, Ryerson University

2014     Moving On, Elgin and Winter Garden Theater, Toronto, Canada

2013     Salon Show, Ryerson University

2018     Re-Locating the Canadian North, MLC Research Centre, Toronto, Canada

Public Collections
Special Collections, Ryerson University Library, Toronto, ON

School of Image Arts, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON

2021    Art Production / PA, DRMTLGY Commercial shoot Media One, Toronto

2020   Cinematographer, Dear-God “BUCK” music video, Dine Alone Records (Toronto), Terrible Records (Los Angeles)

2020    Art Director, Cinematographer, Dear-God “New Kid” music video, Dine Alone Records (Toronto), Terrible Records (Los Angeles)

2013 – 2016 Dean's List, Ryerson University, Toronto

2015     First Edition Photo Book Award, Ryerson University, Toronto

2012    Valedictorian, Mayfield S.S., Caledon

2016 – 2017 Academic Scholarship, Ryerson University 12,000

2018    “A/r/tography as a Method of Awe: An A/r/tographic Inquiry of the Canadian North” Library and Archives Canada, Ryerson Unitversity Library and Archives

2017    “A Letter to the Students at Etobicoke School of the Arts”, PINK& GREEN, 1st edition, Toronto Art Book Fair 2017

Academic Conferences
2016    “Canadian Identity and The National Gallery of Canada: An Althusserian Analysis,”   Underhill Graduate Colloquium, Revealing the Past – Carleton University

2017    Canadian Identity and The National Gallery of Canada: An Althusserian Analysis,” Intersections|Cross-sections Graduate ConferenceTMU  
The Implications of the True North Strong and Free Mentality International Conference on Cultural Studies and Education – University of British Colombia

This is a collective experience.